Your story brings back bad memories. Over 20 years ago, I went through one of the most difficult periods of my life. I felt terribly alone and abandoned, and my culprit was God.

I blamed him for not loving me, for abandoning me when I was ready to do anything for him. But in return, I received nothing. "Why Eternal? Why is my life so miserable? Why is nothing working in my life? How long will I continue to suffer? Is there any hope for me?".

One day I tore up the Bible, having decided that God didn't exist, and that even if he did, he would be of no use to me. But deep down, I was hoping for a reaction from him that would comfort me.

Years went by, I had my son, I was on the verge of depression and it was then, beset by obsessive thoughts of losing my child, that I realized I needed help. I needed to work on myself. That's how I discovered Mindvaley.com.

The timing was perfect, and it offered exactly what I was looking for to free myself from myself.

I understood, everything was clear now, the problem wasn't God but me. I discovered my true expectations, my unconscious desires and the origin of my suffering.

It freed me in a way you can't imagine. I cried like a baby and every tear contained my deepest pain.

I detached myself from everything that was detrimental to my well-being. I expected God to love me, but in reality I didn't love myself. I expected life to treat me and grant me what I knew I deserved as a child of God, but my thoughts were far too dark. It was up to me to decide and act. God had already given me everything, and instead of using it to transform my life, I kept demanding that he give it to me. Personal development helped me understand that it's not up to God or anyone else to give me what I really want, but it's up to me to create it in my life.

Thank you for allowing me to open up. Continue your quest, you'll get there when you decide to.

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Thank you for sharing your story 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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